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The KNVB's mission

The KNVB stands for courage, passion, creativity, connection and innovation in football. Our mission rests on five pillars: competitive balance, development & innovation, events, WorldCoaches and new rules of play.

The KNVB is widely recognised as one of the drivers of innovation. The introduction of the video assistant referee (VAR) is a good example of this. After extensive lobbying by the KNVB, the VAR was introduced successfully during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Refereeing decisions have always triggered discussion, but the overall conclusion must be that, by correcting clear errors and missed incidents, the VAR has helped make football fairer.

Another core objective is to make the game more reliable and inclusive, turning it into a focal point where people can meet and help each other - a united football landscape. The KNVB is laying the groundwork for this new football landscape with an open mind and innovative vision. To ensure the future of the game, football must be able to meet the requirements of today's generation and the next.


For the next four years (2022-2026), we have a new strategic plan. We want to take football in the Netherlands to an ever higher level and use the connecting power of football to have a positive impact on society. We do so together with professional football clubs, amateur clubs, the government and social and commercial partners.

Our football colours the world orange. It is the colour that defines our DNA and the symbol of our unique football landscape. Every weekend, hundreds of thousands of people flock to football clubs and stadiums and millions more follow the game from home. This strong base has already produced many great things. With our clubs and national teams, we have been competing for prizes for over 50 years. Supported, of course, by our unsurpassed Dutch national team.

In the strategic plan, we build on this basis. The way in which football is played and experienced is changing. We have to go along with that, both with amateur and professional football. In this, we are ambitious. We want to keep strengthening the foundation of amateur football, join the European top with professional football and dream of becoming world champions with our men and women. We have bundled this into the following six objectives: 

  • Winning a major tournament
  • Hospitable and safe football
  • Future-proof amateur clubs
  • Visible social impact
  • Professional football at a higher level
  • More football players

Five pillars

Together, we are committed to realising our ambitions, disseminating our vision and keeping Dutch football visible. We believe that we can help advance football by focusing on competitive balance, development & innovation, events, WorldCoaches and new rules of play in the period to come. We're doing this for everyone who loves the game. 

Want to know more about us? Please contact KNVB Contact.