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First UEFA Assist Career Transition Programme for professional players in The Netherlands

KNVB Media
KNVB Media
13 November 2020, 8:30

Claudia van den Heiligenberg is a participant of the programme. - Foto: KNVB Media

This week a group of 12 (ex-)professional football players started with the first edition of the UEFA Assist Career Transition Programme. This programme aims helping (ex-)players to explore career opportunities after their career as an active player. The programme is an initiative of UEFA Assist in cooperation with the UEFA Academy.

The first edition is being hosted by the KNVB, who recruited the participants in close cooperation with the Netherlands Player’s Union VVCS. The programme started with a 2-day online session this week and will continue for 3 days next week with contributions of e.g. Gijs de Jong (KNVB General Secretary), Bianca Rech (ex-international player of the German women’s team and sporting director Womens Football at FC Bayern Munich) and Maxwell (ex-international player of the Brazilian men’s team, ex sporting director of Paris Saint Germain and currently Chief Football Development at UEFA).

The participants of the programme are: Claudia van den Heiligenberg, Eli Sarasola, Ellen Jansen, Lucienne Reichardt, Maud Roetgering, Suzanne Giesen, Siri Worm, Eric te Paske, Guyon Philips, Steve Olfers, Renée Slegers and Marc van Eijk.

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