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The power of football

Football has a major social and economic impact. But just how big is that impact? The KNVB found out by commissioning Kracht van Voetbal (The Power of Football), the first study into the financial and non-financial impact of football.

The outcome in a nutshell: football is the largest social network in the Netherlands. It contributes to the formation and development of people, their health and the connections between them. In addition, football contributes 2.18 billion euros (0.34%) to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Infographic Infographic Check out the infographic 'Kracht van Voetbal' in Dutch.(click to enlarge)

Computing module

By using a special computing module developed by audit company PwC, professional football clubs can calculate their value to the region. They can find out, for example, how much impact stadium expansion plans will have on social cohesion in the region.

By joining forces, the KNVB preserves the power of football

The module gives clubs insights into their regional impact and enables them to calculate how they can increase it. All clubs would like to know how much difference their efforts make and how effective they really are.

The new module helps them focus their communication with their stakeholders, such as social institutions, supporters’ clubs and the government. The calculator has been built in such a way that new indicators, knowledge and insights can easily be added.